Perceived safety

The streets of Beirut have felt more dangerous the past few weeks.  People are nervous.  Every car looks suspicious.  Everyone is anxiously wondering when and where the next one will be. But the reality is, you could be in Boston, London or Beirut when a bomb goes off.  Here in Lebanon, there is a higher…

After the smoke clears

Six years ago, as we were deciding where exactly we would live and work, the whole idea of living in a country where time is marked by the last explosion was really difficult for me. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could handle a life where assassination points and explosions were used in giving directions…

Life one step at a time

I have a handful of posts that I’ve been working on, but somehow, after the events of this weekend, pictures from Isla’s birthday and new cultural discoveries I’ve made somehow don’t seem appropriate. For those of you who haven’t seen it in the news, a car bomb exploded in a nearby neighborhood on Friday afternoon….